
Microdermabrasion, Also know as microderm
Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive, skin resurfacing procedure that gently exfoliates or polishes away the top layer of dead skin cells, while stimulating collagen growth, to reveal healthy new skin that looks and feels smoother. Fine lines, blemishes, dull skin and sun spots can be improved, especially with regular treatments. Products such as moisturizers, creams and lotions are more easily absorbed and therefore more effective after microdermabrasion treatment. This is a painless, low-risk skin treatment that can be added to your beauty routine.

When to Consider microdermabrasion
If you want to brighten your skin and have a healthy glow
If you have sun damage, acne scars, or fine lines
If your pores are clogged and you often have blackheads and/or whiteheads
If you want to maintain healthy, clear skin

Who should not have Microdermabrasion?
You should not have a microdermabrasion treatment if you’ve had/have:

  • recent herpes outbreak
  • warts
  • active weeping acne (stages 3-4)
  • active rosacea
  • unstable diabetes
  • auto-immune system disorders
  • recent laser surgery
  • recent start of Retin A
  • recent medium/deep chemical peel
  • recent waxing
  • hyper pigmentation
  • eczema
  • dermatitis
  • psoriasis
  • vascular lesions (haemangiomas or “port-wine-stains)
  • telangiectases (broken capillaries)

You must not have it if you are HIV or hepatitis B or C positive. Bleeding disorders, warfarin and aspirin therapy are relative contraindications. Accutane therapy should have been stopped at least 2 months before the procedures.

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